Wealth Amplifier System
The World's Premier Guide to Investing in Apartment Buildings


$7,500 cash flow every month
This book will immediately provide you with the tools to unleash super explosive amounts of enormous wealth creation. A flood of money will be yours each and every month for the rest of your life. Your bank account will become a Fort Knox instantly! By using my down-to-earth, and truly simple Insider Shortcuts that I have learned from the super-rich you will experience an increased in wealth taking you to the stratosphere! This program is simply a ruthless, street-smart approach to making excessive and vulgar amounts of passive income! If you demand more from life and you want to start living the lifestyle you dream of then simply order The Wealth Amplifier System today!

Many investors routinely ask me why is investing in large apartment buildings superior to investing in single family houses. That’s a pretty straightforward question to answer! Fewer investors means that you will have much less competition when seeking an apartment building investment.  Some people who consider themselves as savvy investors are actually really terrified of large apartment buildings. Large apartment buildings offer more non-personal liability in the form of ownership through the legal entity you take the apartment building in and in the terms of the non-recourse loans. You simply must understand that you can become financially free by owning a large apartment building! So now you know why it is vital that you purchase The Wealth Amplifier System today!

$9,000 cash flow per moth
Remember that if you only own one single family rental house and you raise rents by $100 over the course of 2 years it’s only $100.  This is barely anything and that $100 is not going to allow you to live the lifestyle you desire and demand. Now on the other hand, imagine that you own a 100 unit apartment building and you applied the same $50 dollar rent increase over the same time frame then a 100 units X $50 rent increase = $5,000 dollar cash flow increase. Do you think you could benefit from an extra $5,000 dollar a month increase in your budget each and every month? By the way, if you take the $60,000 dollars of new yearly income divided by a 10% cap rate (which will be explained in The Wealth Amplifier System) you just increased your net worth by $600,000 dollars. I’m confident that no “GURU” or any other COURSE or any other PERSON FOR THAT MATTER has shown you this before. Imagine what else you will learn inside The Wealth Amplifier System.

  • Less Personal Liability – No personal liability from using “non-recourse loans” this means that you can assume the current loan or you can use one of the other easy methods you will find inside The Wealth Amplifier System. You can become financially free without actually even owning the apartment building.
  • An Abundance of Apartment Buildings in Every Market Place – Large apartment buildings are in every town, state, and market place across the country. Within a 50 mile radius there could be enough large buildings to make you financially free beyond your wildest dreams.
  • The majority of so called investors are not searching for them – It’s no secret that most investors are on the hunt for single family residences. Most investors are afraid of large apartment buildings and the large number of tenants. Most new investors don’t realize or understand “the economies of size” which allows you to make excessive amounts of cash flow with apartment buildings!
  • Major Cash Flow Cows – The larger the apartment building the cheaper the cost per unit will be. This will allow you to have a substantial cash flow from your large apartment building.
  • The Larger the Loan – The more rent that your tenants pay you the more money you have to reduce the principle on the loan each and every month, and accordingly increasing your net worth substantially.
  • Vacancies – If you have 1 vacancy in a house you have 100% vacancy rate with no money coming in and that’s a big losing position to be in. In a 100 unit apartment building 5 vacancies equals a 5% vacancy rate with large amounts of rents still coming in and that is a much superior position to be in.
  • Repairs – Residential living spaces will always need repairs.  Using the rents from your tenants in an apartment building the cost of any repair is spread out among all of your tenants.  Owning a rental single family house means that when repairs are needed you bear the brunt of the cost personally for those repairs. Why would or should you spend all your hard earned money on any property when you can have your tenants paying for the repairs?
  • Rental increases – A $50 rent increase in a house is just $50 but a $50 rent increase in a 175 unit apartment building is $8,750 each and every month for the rest of your life. See how much common sense it is for you to own a large apartment building?
  • Acquiring an Income Property – As you can easily see in the example above (175units X a $50 dollar a month rent increase) you can increased your income by $8,750 dollars each and every month. Therefore, that $8,750 every month increase multiplied by X 12 month equals $105,000 yearly income.  Now if you divide that number $105,000 by a 10% cap rate (Which will be explained in The Wealth Amplifier System) then you instantly just added $1,050,000 to the value of that apartment building and your new net worth. WOW! That’s real cash flow each and every month! Think about what other tips and strategies you will learn for AMPLIFYING your WEALTH inside The Wealth Amplifier System.

$12,000 cash flow every month
The Wealth Amplifier System is the real deal for achieving true financial independence. All the other courses you have run into are simply fake tools and ideas providing nothing but false promises and hyped advertising. If you’ve tried other people’s programs and didn’t understand them or you didn’t achieve the success you desired, don’t get push away from your dreams just because of all those other people’s defective programs and products. Those ineffective programs have now primed you for The Wealth Amplifier System. My books will deliver the most practical, realistic, and easiest way to achieve true financial independence. If you demand more from life and you want to start living the lifestyle you dream of then simply order The Wealth Amplifier System today!

$15,000 cash flow every month
The Wealth Amplifier System is not just the SMART CHOICE it’s the ONLY CHOICE. Learn How to have No Rent Payment or Mortgage Payment thus saving you 25% to 40% of your monthly income instantly, Learn How to Rehab Apartments for Enormous profits, and also Learn How to Have an Impressive Monthly Cash Flow each and every month for the rest of your life! Order now and get a special bonus CD, Full Throttle to Success. The kit contains the best tools and strategies to get you started on the fast track to massive profits.

Get All Three “3” Books for $39.99 (plus S&H)

Order now and get a special bonus CD, Accelerator Kit: Full Throttle to Success. The kit contains the best tools and strategies to get you started on the fast track to profits.